The easy place to go to check for books is WorldCat Quick Start. There is a WorldCat Quick Start search box on the library homepage, too.
- Enter the title in the search box and click "Start"
- The search returned one result: (See Link below)
- If the "Libraries that own this item:" text says:
- "WorldCat Libraries" then ship does not own the title
(click the blue "Request via Interlibrary Loan" button)
- "Shippensburg University Library" then ship owns the title
(scroll down a little to see if it is on the shelf or checked out)
If WorldCat Quick Start says ship does not own the title, you can verify this by searching the Library Catalog.
- Enter the title in the search box, select "Title" in the "Search in" field, and click "search"
- In this case, the search says "This search obtained no results"
(which is the difficult way to say the library does not have this title)
- To get a copy of the book, use the WorldCat Quick Start steps above :)