Answered By: Reference Librarian
Last Updated: 2014.Aug.14     Views: 242

Due to license restrictions, the databases are available off-campus only to current Ship students, faculty, and staff.

Alumni (and Pennsylvania residents) can use the databases from computers in Lehman Library with an Alumni (or Community) Card. The card will allow for a guest login, available at the Circulation Desk.

Please see the various types of borrowing cards available on the "Library Services: Circulation: Local Community Serivces" page, linked below, for more details.

"As a service to university alumni who are area residents, Lehman Library offers borrowing privileges through an Alumni Community Card. Applicants must have an undergraduate or graduate degree from Shippensburg and must present identification in the form of a valid driver's license"

Alumni Community Borrowing Card Policy

  • There is no fee to Alumni in good standing
  • Alumni cards expire one year from the date of issue
  • Only Shippensburg University Alumni in good standing will be granted borrowing privileges under this class. 
  • After submitting the alumni card application form, a 24 hour period to verify Alumni status with the Registrar's Office will apply
  • Completed library cards may be picked up at the Circulation Desk after 1:00 p.m. on the next business day (Monday through Friday). Otherwise, cards will be mailed to the applicant's home address
  • Alumni Community Cardholders are responsible for all materials borrowed on their card and are subject to established overdue fines and replacement costs

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