Answered By: Aaron Dobbs
Last Updated: 2014.Aug.14     Views: 141

Is this an opinion question?
The problem with an email query like this is the question is too subjective.

Usually all assignments are listed in the Syllabus distributed on day one of class - there is nothing which says a student could not do all the work for the whole semester in the first few weeks of classes and then coast through the rest of the semester.

Is the correct answer actually a counter-question?

Why do many students wait until the end of the semester to do all the work listed in the syllabus?

Thanks for asking!

Comments (1)

  1. That was kind of snarky, coursework does seem overwhelming as the semester goes on.

    Often, many of the assignments get more complex and challenging by the end of the semester because the instructors have been building up to it, hoping students have synthesized the ideas required for the more difficult assignments in the latter part of the semester.

    Many folks have come up with ideas for dealing with end of semester crunch time and time managment issues. Take at look at these two links and see if they offer some useful ideas for relieving some of the stress:

    * UALR - Crunch Time: How to prepare for the last 4 weeks of the semester  

    *U Guelph - Coping with Multiple Deadlines  

    Thanks again for asking :)
    by Aaron Dobbs on 2012.Apr.04

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