Answered By: Aaron Dobbs
Last Updated: 2014.Aug.14     Views: 238

Yes, Shippensburg University Lehman  Library has a copy of 1984 by George Orwell (and a quarter-million other titles) - props to you for checking the catalog before you arrive. :)

We only have a copy or two, so if you're serious about borrowing the library's copy, you need to get here first.
(first-come, first-served - we cannot hold it aside for you)

Library book circulation lasts for the entire semester, but you (or any Ship student) can also place a recall on a library book which is already checked out to someone else. 

If the book is a supplemental reading for class, you may want to acquire a used copy for your very own - Amazon has used copies for ~$6 and most used book stores also carry this title.

The Shippensburg Public Library has multiple copies, though they will be in high-demand during the fall. Their used book shop "The Book Nook" might also have a used copy (for around 75 cents!)

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