Answered By: Reference Librarian
Last Updated: 2014.Aug.14     Views: 84

Ship Library has several reports in Special Collections:

  • Reports of the Inspectors of Coal Mines of Pennsylvania
    Special Collections TN805.P4 A5
  • Reports of Inspectors of Coal Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania
    Special Collections TN805.P4 A5
  • Reports of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite coal regions of Pennsylvania for the year
    Special Collections TN823.P4 A2

However, you can also access these and other related titles online.  Just google the titles you want. 
For example:

You can read them online and search for keywords. 

Or instead of googling you can go straight to and do an advanced search for the title and the date range you need.  I tried 1870 to 1930 and got several years we don't have in print. 

If you want to look at the paper copies, you can email Special Collections at with the years you need (3 or 4 at a time) - we will get them for you and leave them at the Circulation Desk. 
If you want to look at them in Special Collections, you can email and make an appointment.

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