Answered By: Kirk Moll
Last Updated: 2014.Nov.20     Views: 56

EBSCO is not the name of a specific database - it is actually a database vendor or platform for many databases. The database name will be something like: Academic Search Complete, Business Source Premier or one of our other EBSCO databases.

If you remember the database you were searching, such as Academic Search Complete, then you have everything you need.

If you don't know, then the best strategy will be to follow these steps:

1. Go to the library homepage -
2. Type the article title that you are citing in the search box on the home page - this will search it in the Ship Discovery Search
3. Find a record that matches yours in the result list. At the end of the bibliographic citation, you will see "Database: Academic Search Complete" or "Database: Business Source Premier", for example. Identify the database name this way and use it in your citation.

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